On Reacting Appropriately

Driving home from picking up some dinner, I saw a young-ish girl, who looked about 16 to me, and thus was probably 11, narrowly avoid getting run over by a very large red van. She was walking through the intersection (she had a walk sign, I should note) eating a cupcake when the van made a right turn and came about 2 inches from hitting her. She was understandably pissed, screamed a few obscenities at the guy and in a fit of rage hurled the remainder of her cupcake at his windshield, which splattered crumbs and icing all over his hood in a satisfying squish. Here’s what went on in my head while this happened:
“Oh, My God, he’s going to hit that girl!”
“Oh, thank God, he missed her!”


One response to “On Reacting Appropriately

  1. schmutzie

    You are being featured on Five Star Friday’s Intrepid Tuesday!

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