Today’s Hottest Hits!

You know those pop music compilations they advertise for on TV? Like MegaSuperHits Volume Eleventy Billion? I was thinking today, if you were to make a MegaSUPERHits Volume Twelvety Billion, composed of sound bytes from my life that are most often uttered and or heard, it could be interesting.

The Super Hot Hot Hits would include

“What do you want to do about dinner?”
“No, it’s not time for your walk yet, so stop bugging me.”
“Did you use up all the toilet paper and not put a new roll on?”
“Why are all the lights on upstairs?”
“Did you get the mail?”
“Dear God, I have so much homework.”
“Charlie! Leave it!”
“Did you just fart on me?”

Again, my life? Pageant. Splendiforous.

PS- Thanks to those who read the previous post. I know it was a departure from my usual brand of crazy, but I’m proud of myself for putting it up there.

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