So, um, NaBloPoMo?

Remember when I said I was signing up for National Blog Posting Month for October?

Yeaaaaah. About that. My bad.

In fact, I felt SO guilty about flaking on NaBloPoMo, that I signed up for…


So, in November, I’ll be writing. A novel. 50,000 words. In 30 days. Writing Every Day.

You know, because between school. And work. And getting ready for Guatemala. And restarting my 5k training. And socializing. And husbanding. And blogging. And therapy. And twitter. And making jewelry. And cooking. And possibly joining an a cappella group. And two cats. And a dog.

I CLEARLY have time to write a novel.

I should be committed.

3 responses to “So, um, NaBloPoMo?

  1. I have signed up for NaNoWriMo four times now.
    I’ve yet to write a novel. This year I am pretending to myself again that I’ll do it. Perhaps we should team up to harass each other about to write?

  2. Yeah, every year I think “I’m gonna do that NaNoWriMo,” and every year I pussy out on it. This year shall be no different. But you go, girl. Write us a bodice ripper!

  3. I’m doing it too. I’ve tried it twice in the past with little success. BUT THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. Maybe.

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