
You’ve undoubtedly marvelled at the incredible cuteness currently displayed in my header.

From left to right, these adorable creatures are:

Oliver: Like George Clooney, he just gets cuter with age. He is a big cuddly tuxedo cat we obtained from a shelter in Saratoga Springs, NY when I was a junior in college. He’ll be 7 this coming XMas, and he excels at drinking water from a dripping faucet.

Emma: Emma is 5 (we think) and was rescued from her former existence as a streetfighting badass in ’05. If she were to be cast in an all-cat production of Grease she would definitely be Rizzo. Her “special skills” on her resume includes making weird dolphin-like noises and temper tantrums.

Charlie: Charlie is the youngest furry member of our family, he will 2 in November. Yes, he is a purebred, and yes, I know that there are lots of great dogs in shelters, but when you already have two cats, one of whom who is prone to being what some might call a Giant Beyotch when her environment changes even slightly, you sort of want to make sure that the dog you are getting is going to be willing to let the resident felines take the higher spot on the totem pole. Thus, we selected the Cavalier King Charles breed and have been very pleased with our choice. He’s the least dominant dog on the face of the planet, and besides holding the title of Cutest Dog in the Known Universe, he also is great at Being a Total Crackhead and chewing Dingos.

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