Tag Archives: Budgeting

The one with the blog

So, we’ve started TIVOing Friends reruns lately, and I have to say, though it may sound lame, I find I am much better able to relate to the characters now that I am a 20-something myself. Bad jobs, being broke, feeling like you have no idea what you’re doing with your life: all of this was somewhat lost to me when I watched the show in High School. I mean, why does no one warn you when you go off to college that once you are done with college, your life is pretty much going to be a succession of bad apartments, bad jobs, and a drastic decrease of actual funtimes until you’ve toiled long enough to get a better apartment, better job, and have enough money to actually buy yourself some fun?

You know, they say money can’t buy happiness but I don’t think being happy and being rich are mutually exclusive. I mean, we ate at Chipotle last night, which is enjoyable and all, but you know why, specifically we chose to eat there? Because WE HAD A COUPON. I am now making decisions based on whether or not I have a coupon. Before you know it I’ll be making weird casseroles out of leftovers and spending an hour on Sunday afternoons clipping coupons. So, basically I’ll be my grandmother. Maybe I should start eating dinner at 4 PM also.